Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I'm permanently black and blue, permanently blue for you

Feeling kind of lazy and decided to have a random mini shoot of my outfit today (hence random silly faces). Really should be working on my papers and project...but I have quite a bit of free time until my 4-7PM class. Shorts one day and then right back to that fall look again. Today is kind of dreary outside and a little bit chilly, but all the same I get to layer up and get another wear of that new leather jacket, before it gets too hot to even think about looking at it. I love wearing layers and I hate to admit it but I have become the constant wearer of big shirts, and whatever else you can find, over leggings. I still think there are waaay more creative ways to make an outfit, but some days I can't figure out what to wear and leggings are one of my go to pieces. The above pics are some of my layering inspirations and as for the one of Ashley Olsen, well I just love a good lace look ha.

Btw...if you randomly see a mouse in my photos it's b/c it's the only way I can take a photo with my web cam, without having to stand right in front of the computer.
<3 NM

Forever 21 White Tank
Grandpas old Plaid Shirt
Random Black Waist Belt (from a tunic)
My Roomie's Oversized Tan Cardi and her cool earrings
Walmart Mommy-Style Leggings (come up really high but are really comfy)
Black Ballet Flats (you can't see them in photo)

1 comment:

  1. Oooh I adore Chairlift!

    Absolutely love the plaid. It must be the Canadian in me =)
