Thursday, November 26, 2009


THANK GOD.... IT'S THANKSGIVING. I love this holiday, it gives me a perfect excuse to eat all the food I want all while giving thanks for being able to get the food! I haven't posted in a while because I've been busy with school and things will only speed up more after this break...but hopefully it'll all slow down before Christmas :-P
Happy holidays, hope everyone has a good one.
<3 NM

Thursday, November 12, 2009


I think I aced a world geography test today... that pretty much made my day. I've been feeling kinda sick lately but it's almost the weekend so it's alll goood. Haven't posted in a few days, but here are a few things I have been looking at/ getting inspiration from.
<3 NM

Sunday, November 8, 2009

She's got the crazies

Sing praises and be thankful for cheap liquor

Woo wooo it's sunday and I actually made it to church today. I haven't gone to church at all since I've been to school but I was feeling inspired to go. Got my ass up and went. Hmm... should be working on some homework rite now and finishing up watercolor. I'll prob do that soon, considering all I have been doing this morning is roaming the web shopping for new purses and seeing what's going on in the world. Ha I would say I need a new hobby, but I'll make this my new one. Blogging. Gotta love it <333

quintessential fall look. looove taylor's personal style

makes me want to be a label whore ;-)

loveydovey art

for the love of urban

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Clothes, clothes, and open fridge doors

It's a manic and crazy field of lies and deception

It's finally Saturday, and I have finally decided to sit down and start my own blog. I am fashion crazed and obsessed over all things clothing, style, or down right creative. I have over 20 fashion blogs saved in my favorites, I can create a stellar outfit in under 10 minutes and my motto is "If I can't be myself around you, thenI can't be around you". It's my latest one, as I seem to make up a new motto to live by on a daily basis. I'm 19 years old and a sophomore in college and one day hope to write for a professional blog or to do something in the fashion industry. I'm down to earth and laid back and ALWAYS up for a good time. Hope you all enjoy this blog
<3 NM