Sunday, March 27, 2011

Float On

Back to school, so many projects coming up, I cannot WAIT till summer break. March is such a weird month with up and down weather, any bit of sun that shines is much appreciated. Spring break went by fast but it was great seeing friends from home and actually getting out of the house. Currently recovering from a cold... some bug has been going around. Still clueless about exactly what I want to do for grad school, just know that I wanna go and eventually get out of PA. Ha it's crazy to think I am almost done my third year of college; just a few years ago I thought college seemed impossible, like this phase of life where I would be super stressed and bogged down with unmanageable assignments. I still get stressed but I have conquered the basics; I know what works for me and how to achieve my academic goals. Now just chilling with my beau...enjoying the last bits of Saturday.
Enjoy the rest of your weekends and enjoy the warmth when it comes!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Travels to Mecca and beyond

PHEW I have been quite the absentee from this... so much has happened in the last month. Update's some eye candy for now, along with the first photo ever taken by my new digital camera (the gift giver is next to me)! Yea, many outfit photos ready for posting thanx to the lovely gift. I am currently on my spring break for the next week, so I hope all of you are enjoying any bit of relaxation time you are getting because I am excited for a full week of it :)