Monday, January 3, 2011

Resolution: Update blog more, stay slim, and GO TO BED

It is around the holidays that you can spot me sitting around our kitchen island munching on my second to third snack of the hour without a care in the world. I don't know what it is, the comfort of home or deliciousness and knowing that there is a fridge directly behind me with my mother's cooking, but I always seem to find myself eating all the time. I have always been relatively thin ok flat out skinny, but I do not want my bad habits manifest into an ugly waist line. So, one of my resolutions is to eat healthy and improve on my poor snack choices. The other... update this thing more frequently. Many times I find myself browsing all my favorite blogs and right-click saving photos but never get around to updating mine. I want to one day write for a magazine or blog professionally so I better get in the habit of good updating... Oh and I need to start to going to bed at a decent hour. Lack of beauty rest= lack of youthfulness= looking like an old hag
Christmas came and went after a slew of late night shopping and gift wrapping and I am pleased to say all went well on the joyous day. Family was happy with their gifts, I didn't ask for much since my parents are covering 90% of my college expenses as of now but the bits I did get were nice. I got a lovely sweater, shirt, pajamas, and jewelry. The touch (my gift to me) has been awesome and I am still in search of fun apps; there are so many out there I don't know which to download!
Above are waaaay overdue outfits, I should prob just start a lookbook account and link it here but that'll be for another time, and random photos that I've been viewing. Tumblr ceases to amaze me, there are so many out there with inspiring photos.
It's a new year and I a (as I am sure all of you are) am in need of a fresh start. SO cheers to you and all those you love. Let's bring in the new year with good health and happiness.


  1. I feel like break has a way of doing that to you... making you lounge around! I've got to get back to the grind too.

    Check out my blog! =) Good luck on your resolutions.

  2. Lovely resolution and love these photos!!

    happy monday

