Sunday, January 23, 2011

Say my name, say my name, wear it out

This past week was the first week of second semester with new classes and professors. I have to admit that it felt nice to get a new routine. As much as I love just bumming it in front of the TV, with snacks, it feels good to have actual things to do. I could be talking too soon though because I'm sure that when all the hard work and big assignments begin I will start hating school again. On another note— everything has been going smoothly. I bought myself a pair of TOMS the other day. Even though I am a "poor college student" I still try to give back whenever I can, you know buy a pretzel for a dollar or drop some coins in a can somewhere lol but even better to give back by buying a pair of shoes. I got the classic style just canvas in ash grey. I am a whore for the color grey, I love wearing it, seeing people (mainly boys in v-neck sweaters in it), and I just think it's sophisticated like black but with an edge ha. Other than walking up to town to take care of my financial needs with a bank visit, and stopping to look in the local boutiques (where I bought my shoes), I have just been keeping busy by organizing myself for the new semester. I have been thinking a lot about next year, even though this one just started, and really focusing on narrowing down what I want to do with my life. I have to start thinking of where I want to go to grad school and where can I get an internship for my minor and will my hair ever grow longer again because this growing process sucks and is taking forever since I had to cut it short last year ha... Well I am off to enjoy some Take5 (only the best candy bar on EARTH) and unwind before bed. I wish you all a relaxing week and hopefully you're sticking to any resolutions you've made. I mean it has only been about a month, you can't give up just yet!

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